1 / Jan / 2025 /

Recovery of Parts by Metallization What advantages does it have?

Over time, the deterioration of metal parts and structures is inevitable. In addition to the industrial use of many of these components, various environmental and field factors contribute to oxidation and wear, leading to operational issues and high maintenance costs.…

1 / Jan / 2025 /

Benefits of Anti-Corrosion Coatings

Corrosion is a common issue in the industrial sector, severely affecting components exposed to the environment and structures, leading to deterioration and high operational costs. For this reason, protecting equipment and parts with anti-corrosion treatments is essential to maintaining their…

12 / Dec / 2024 /

Importance of Surface Cleaning Before Coating

At Reinnor, we understand that proper cleaning of parts and surfaces is essential before any anti-corrosion treatment to ensure customer satisfaction and the success of our services. For any anti-corrosion treatment system to perform effectively, a thorough surface preparation is…